Till Dembeck

Associate Professor of German Literature and Diactics of Media
University of Luxembourg

Till Dembeck is Associate Professor of German Literature and Diactics of Media at the University of Luxembourg. His monograph Texte rahmen: Grenzregionen literarischer Werke im 18. Jahrhundert (Gottsched, Wieland, Mortiz, Jean Paul) (Framing Texts: Border Regions of Literary Works in the 18th Century [Gottsched, Wieland, Mortiz, Jean Paul]) was published by Gruyter in 2007, and he is currently working on a monograph with the working title Der Ton der Kultur: Lyrik und Sprachforschung im 19. Jahrhundert (The Sound of Culture: Lyric and Linguistic Research in the 19th Century). He has published numerous articles in journals and anthologies on literary multilingualism and recently edited, together with Rolf Parr, a scholarly compendium on this topic: Literatur und Mehrsprachigkeit: Ein Handbuch, published by Narr in 2017.





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