Graduate Conference in Political Theory

Date: February 8, 2018 -February 9, 2018
Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Location: SSRI-Gross Hall 230E

Thursday, February 8

3:30 p.m.: Coffee / tea / snacks available

4:00: Introductory remarks: Gross Hall 230E

4:10: Panel I: Decision-Making and Dissent in Democratic Theory

Naomi Scheinerman (Yale): Democratic Moral Decision-Making: Automated Vehicles and the Trolley Problem
Discussant: Andrius Galisanka (Wake Forest, Political Science)

5:00: Break

5:10: Panel I — continued

Eraldo Santos (Paris I): The Invention of a ‘Great Tradition’: A Plea for a Conceptual History of Civil Disobedience
Discussant: Alex Kirshner (Duke, Political Science)

6:30: Participant Dinner: The Pit-Durham

Friday, February 9

9:30 a.m.: Light breakfast: Duke University, West Campus, Gross Hall 270

10:00: Panel II: Institutional Origins

Paul M. B. Gutierrez (Brown): Incorporating Land: Reassessing the Legal Origins of the Corporation in America
Discussant: Jack Knight (Duke, Political Science)

10:50: Break — coffee / tea / snacks available

11:00: Panel II — continued

Pavlos Papadopoulos (Dallas): Plato’s Model Educational Institution
Discussant: Michael Gillespie (Duke, Political Science)

12:00 p.m.: Catered lunch: Gross Hall 270

1:00: Keynote address: Gross Hall 270

John McCormick (Chicago, Political Science): Leo Strauss’s Machiavelli and the Querelle between the Few and the Many

2:30: Break

2:40: Panel III: Law and Domination

Ferris Lupino (Brown): American Stasiology: Racial Conflict Between the Rule of Law and Civil War
Discussant: Joseph Winters (Duke, Religious Studies)

3:30: Break

3:40: Panel III — continued

Yuna Blajer de la Garza (Chicago): The Meek and Mighty: Two Models of Domination
Discussant: Geneviève Rousselière (Duke, Political Science)

4:30: Closing remarks
