How does an instructor create an optimal learning environment for all students? It happens in two ways. First, it is essential to create a classroom community that is welcoming and supports students of all learning styles. Second, it is important to design each unit as a coherent whole that provides students with clear steps as they strive to become more proficient readers of Latin or Greek. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to learners’ individual differences, basic second language acquisition, and reading theory. Each participant should bring the textbook or text that they are teaching (or have taught) so that they have the opportunity to design activities for the classroom and to outline the stages of an integrated, scaffolded unit of instruction.
John Gruber-Miller – “Creating (Comm)unity: Teaching to All Students with the New Standards”
Date: October 12, 2017
Time: 10:00am
- 1:00pm
Location: Wellness Center Room 148