Affiliates & Partners
Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes
The Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) is an international membership organization for university and college-based humanities centers, institutes, and interdisciplinary programs in the humanities with a significant research component. The Franklin Humanities Institute is pleased to be the administrative base of CHCI.
Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism (JWTC)
The FHI-JWTC partnership enables Duke faculty and students to travel to Johannesburg to participate in the annual summer workshop; supports the JWTC in its efforts to establish a new program in Southern Theory and Global Humanities; and contributes to the production of an online journal of African Humanities Research: The Johannesburg Salon.
Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute
The Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute (DHRC@FHI) brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars to promote new understandings of pressing questions about human rights, terror, political violence and the politics of forgiveness, accountability and reconciliation. The DHRC@FHI is also home to the Pauli Murray Project.
HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Sciences, Technology Advanced Collaboratory) is an international group of academic organizations dedicated to exploring and sharing information about the use of new media and technology in higher education. The FHI has been pleased to provide various forms of support for HASTAC activities since 2006, and served as the co-host of the first HASTAC annual meeting, in
April 2007. -
UNC Institute for the Arts and Humanities
The FHI-JWTC partnership enables Duke faculty and students to travel to Johannesburg to participate in the annual summer workshop; supports the JWTC in its efforts to establish a new program in Southern Theory and Global Humanities; and contributes to the production of an online journal of African Humanities Research: The Johannesburg Salon.
Center for Philosophy, Arts, and Literature (PAL)
The FHI is host to PAL, whose mission is to encourage and promote work that places literature, theater, painting, film, and other arts in conversation with philosophy. The Institute co-sponsored PAL’s inaugural lecture in 2009 featuring the philosopher Stanley Cavell.
Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism (JWTC)
The Institute for the Arts & Humanities is the FHI’s sister organization at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. From 2007-2011, the FHI hosted one UNC faculty member in the Annual Seminar, with the IAH hosting one or two Duke faculty as research fellows in exchange.
John Hope Franklin Center
Home to the FHI from 1999 to August 2010, the John Hope Franklin Center continues to provide crucial technical support for the FHI. The JHFC and FHI also continue to collaborate on public programs.
Interdisciplinary Studies at Duke
Homepage of the office of the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies at Duke, and a portal to information on the idea and practice of interdisciplinarity at the University.