Dr. Lorgia García-Peña is an assistant professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and of History and Literature at Harvard University and the co-founder of Freedom University, a Georgia-based volunteer organization that provides college instruction to undocumented youth. She specializes in Latino/Latina studies and Hispanic Caribbean literary and cultural studies with a special focus on the Dominican Republic and its Diaspora. Her research poses a dialogue among history, literature and cultural studies, paying close attention to questions of marginality, migration, and racial and ethnic identity formation. Dr. García-Peña recently completed her book manuscript entitled Archiving Contradiction. Bodies, Nations and the Borders of Dominicanidad (under contract, Duke University Press). She is the recipient of the Johns Hopkins University African Diaspora Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship, the Future of Minority Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (2006). García-Peña received a PhD in American Culture from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and an M.A. in Spanish Language and Literatures from Rutgers University.