2018 FHI-NCCU Digital Humanities Fellows Symposium | Charmaine McKissick-Melton, 100 Years of Advertising

March 29, 2019
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Dr. Charmaine McKissick-Melton is Associate Professor of Mass Communications at NCCU, where she also directs the department’s long-standing off-campus internship program. Her teaching specialties include integrated marketing communications, e-commerce, speech communication and broadcast journalism. For her fellowship project, Dr. McKissick-Melton engaged students in her Media Business: Advertising, Sales, and Marketing course to explore the past 100 years of advertising to see how pop culture, music, economics, politics and race relations were portrayed through the years. Each student in the class was assigned a four-year period and was responsible for providing a research narrative covering their designated periods.

The Franklin Humanities Institute – North Carolina Central University Digital Humanities Fellowship program is currently based at the Digital Humanities Initiative at FHI (DHI@FHI). Inaugurated in 2016-17 under the aegis of the FHI’s Mellon Humanities Futures initiative, the fellowships are designed to increase the uses of DH tools and methods in the NCCU classroom. The FHI-NCCU DH Fellows program consists of a year-long series of workshops, geared toward both the theoretical and practical aspects of the digital humanities. Fellows are expected to create a new course or significantly revise an old one for inclusion in their regular teaching cycle. While its primary focus is pedagogical, the program also supports DH-related research projects and professional development opportunities for fellows.