Michael Allen Gillespie is Professor of Political Science and Professor of Philosophy at Duke University. He received his BA from Harvard University (1973) and his MA and PhD from the University of Chicago (1981). He is the author of Hegel, Heidegger and the Ground of History, Nihilism before Nietzsche, The Theological Origins of Modernity, and Nietzsche’s Final Teaching. He is co-editor of Nietzsche’s New Seas: Explorations in Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics; Ratifying the Constitution; and Homo Politicus Homo Economicus. He has published articles on the history of political philosophy and various topics in American political thought and public philosophy, as well as on the relation of religion and politics, and the role of sports in human life. He is the Director of the Gerst Program in Political, Economic, and Humanistic Studies, the Duke Program in American Values and Institutions, and the AB Duke Merit Scholars Program.