Michael Shiyung Liu is currently a Research Fellow/ Professor of the Institute of Taiwan History and Joint Research Fellow of the Research Center of Humanity and Social Science, Academia Sinica. He has been Visiting Scholar at National Yokoham University, Harvard-Yenching Scholar, Visiting Professor of Chun-Chiu Lecture at Oregon State University, EU Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholar, and Senior Researcher at the Center of Historical Research, Ohio State University. He has published Prescribing Colonization: the Role of Medical Practice and Policy in Japan-Ruled Taiwan, Katana and Lancet: The Transformation, Assimilation and Diffusion of Western Medicine in Japan (in Chinese) along with more than 40 articles. Dr. Liu’s research covers topics of Japanese colonial medicine, East Asian history of public health in the twentieth century, and East Asian environmental history. He received his Ph.D. in 2000 from the University of Pittsburgh.