The Boy from H2: 2017, 20 minutes Arabic with English subtitles
Smile and the World Smiles Back: 20 minutes Arabic with English subtitles

"The Boy from H2" follows 12-year-old Muhammad Burqan, who lives in Area H2 of Hebron, a section of the city under full Israeli control. Israel imposes severe restrictions on the movement – by pedestrians and by car – of some 43,000 Palestinians living there. In Area H2, soldiers routinely detain children on suspicion of stone-throwing. Muhammad, who has nine siblings, is one of those children. His life revolves around his crowded home and the street, where he must deal with the constant presence of Israeli security forces and settlers.

In "Smile and the World Smiles Back," the al-Haddads film their life under Israeli occupation in Tel Rumeidah, a neighborhood in the West Bank city of Hebron. This documentary was edited with minimal intervention, keeping as close as possible to the rawness of the original footage filmed that night. The film was made as a collaborative effort between the al-Haddads and B’Tselem film-makers Yoav Gross and Ehab Tarabieh.

Helen Yanovsky is a film-maker and works for human rights organization B’tselem. This film was created in collaboration with B’Tselem’s field researchers and Camera Project volunteers in Hebron, and produced by B’Tselem’s video department

Popcorn and drinks provided.

Our series is coordinated with See/Think/Act, which examines how visual culture interacts with human rights.

Co-sponsored by the Program in the Arts of the Moving Image, Duke Screen Society, Humanities Futures, The Human Rights Archive, The Center for Jewish Studies, and the Trent Foundation, AMES Present